
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bramson ORT College Students Create A New Game Club!

I enrolled at Bramson ORT College in February 2013 seeking knowledge in game design and programming. I already had my degree in media and wanted to gain more updated and hands-on skills in game design. My goal was to gain advanced skills and create a portfolio that would lead towards a career in the video game industry. During my first year at the college, I have met some remarkable people and learned a handful of new talents and skills. I am most appreciative of my newfound competency in programming fundamentals, CG modeling, and animation. One of the most important things I have done in my time at Bramson ORT was to help organize the Bramson ORT Game Design Club. The BOC Game Club was organized by a group of passionate game design students and faculty. The club is mostly run by students, but Bramson ORT’s faculty help oversee projects and deadlines. The team is currently working on an adventure and strategy game that will be showcased at the end of June. The game design team had arranged several visits to places such as Quirky Studios in Chelsea, the Global Game Jam at NYU Polytech, NYC Game Forum meetings at the Rockefeller Center Microsoft Building, APEX 2014 in Somerset, New Jersey, and the Indie Cade Expo at the Museum of the Moving Image located in Astoria. These wonderful educational experiences, in the classroom and beyond, have allowed the gaming students to meet a variety of people with their own types of passion for gaming. The trips have also given us exposure to professional game design techniques and industry experience.

As my time at Bramson ORT is nearing completion, I have been able to acquire a remote internship with Primer Labs and their upcoming game, Code Hero. I had been one of the many people who helped fund the game’s production in 2011. With this project, there is a wealth of opportunity to reach out further and educate programmers and nonprogrammers alike on the concepts and execution of game programming through playing a game created on the Unity Engine. In addition to my internship, I will also be working with Game Truck New York as the head of their mobile laser tag division. I will also be working on a 2D side scroller with a good friend of mine from Bramson ORT College. I plan to continue pressing forward towards my goals. I feel more determined to continue learning through play, and incite ideas that will provoke thoughts, evoke feeling, and ultimately entertain. Bramson ORT College allowed me to gain the hands-on game design skills needed and opened up a door of opportunities for me.

The Game Design and Programming Degree and Certificate Program at Bramson ORT College is one of the few well-rounded programs that offer courses in 3D modeling and animation using Autodesk Maya software, C++ Programming, Game Software Engineering, Game Engine Architecture, Game Programming Direct3D, Al Game Development, Game Audio Development, Java Games, Multiplayer Game Programming, Mobile Application Development, Game Console Programming and Programming Linux Games. These courses are designed to prepare students in many game design genres and platforms by focusing on both the technical and creative end of this growing and multi-faced field. Courses in digital animation, character development and modeling, level design, interactive game storytelling, and light rendering add to the uniqueness of this program. Liberal Arts courses are also required such as Physics for Game Developer, Math for Game Developer and additional elective Liberal Arts courses for the degree program. The college offers career internships and job placement assistance through the Career Services Department. For more information about the game club contact Professor Dominika Juraszek at
For more information about the Game Design and Programming Degree and Certificate Programs contact or call 718-261-5800. Read more Bramson ORT student success stories at
To view our student gaming and animation portfolio gallery visit
To join the Bramson ORT Game Portal visit:

-Dennis Patrick Ilagan

-      Bramson ORT Game Design & Programming Student, 2014

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